Pastor Freddy Cortez

Pastor Freddy Cortez

Alfredo I. Cortez, Jr. has been pastoring churches since 1990. He started out with the Baptist General Conference churches that had a particular interest on Filipino-Americans in the United States. Freddy has a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies (2003) and a Doctor of Ministry (2007). In 1998, Freddy founded Church of Hope (COH) and has been the pastor since. In 2004, he created Hope Bible Institute (HBI) with the goal of providing free seminary level courses to pastors, deacons, and church workers. HBI had two satellite schools in the Philippines and one in Cameroon, Africa but work was temporarily discontinued when Freddy suffered a medical emergency in 2018.

He is happily married to Corrine and they are blessed with two daughters, Alex and Emily, and a son, Joshua. He has recently relocated to Virginia sensing a prompting from God and made possible by his wife’s recent active duty orders to Washington, DC.

As interim pastor of the National Capital Bible Church, Pastor Cortez considers it a privilege to serve his congregation and the nation by studying and teaching the Word of God.

To learn more about National Capital Bible Church, click here.

To listen to Pastor Cortez’s latest message, click here.